We are flying into Germany and staying for the weekend at the spa. It was cheaper to do that then to fly directly into Rome.
We flew from Seattle to Amsterdam then onto Germany. We arrived around 4:30 p.m. Saturday. We checked into our hotel and went over to the spa until about 10:30 p.m. We ate dinner there and went back to the hotel and slept very well!

Landing in Amsterdam!

Sunday April 3, 2011  
We slept in until about 8 am and went downstairs to the hotel breakfast. We drove over to the Dachau Concentration camp. We were there for a few hours and then went to eat lunch. It was the first Nazi concentration camp opened in Germany, located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the medieval town of Dachau, about 9 to 10 miles northwest of Munich.

The entrance gate to this concentration camp carries the words ("Arbeit macht frei"), meaning "work will make you free.

These were the bungalows where the prisoners stayed, there were 32. Two of the bungalows were for clergy.

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This man was so tired of suffering he hung himself. The picture next to it was a man trying to escape through the barbed-wire fence.

The International Monument at the Dachau Memorial Site was formally dedicated in September 1968. The photo below shows the sculpture created by Nandor Glid. The sculpture is made of dark bronze. It features short strands of barbed wire on which skeletons are hanging with their heads dangling sharply. On either side of the sculpture are concrete fence posts which closely resemble the ones actually used to support the barbed wire fence around the camp. Underneath the sculpture are the dates 1933 - 1945, the years that the camp was used as a concentration camp for anti-Nazis.

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Beds where the prisoners slept.

All the rows are the foundations of the bungalows. They started to tear down the camp, then decided it had to stay to be a reminder.

We overheard a tour guide talking about the tall trees along the road between the bungalows. The prisoners planted them.  It was a weird feeling to realize these trees saw it all.

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